Site Investigation & Assessment
Appropriate geotechnical & geo-environmental investigation and assessment is vital when managing your exposure to risk during the purchase, development and operation of your site. Furthermore, where development is proposed, the early investigation of a site can provide valuable information when estimating the build costs & construction programme and allows appropriate design and construction methods to be established from the outset.
Our desk studies are designed on a site specific basis to ensure appropriate information is gained on the geotechnical and geo-environmental setting of your site and to allow the rationalisation of any future intrusive investigations which may be required.
Depending on the location and setting of your site, the desk top study can typically include:
- Consideration of the geological, hydrological and hydrogeological setting of the site.
- Review of historical County Series and Ordnance Survey maps.
- Inspection of the site by an experienced Geotechnical/Geo-Environmental Engineer.
- Commissioning of a Coal Authority Mining Report and review of mine abandonment plans from the Coal Authority archives.
- Searches of Geo-Environmental databases and written enquiries to the Local Authority.
- Written enquiries to the Local Petroleum Officer, Local Minerals Surveyor and British Gypsum.
- The formulation of Conceptual Site Models and assessments of potential environmental risks and liabilities based upon potential or identified source, pathway and receptor (targets) linkages.
- Preliminary Geotechnical & Geo-Environmental Assessments and recommendations.
We recognise that the appropriate investigation and analyses of the ground conditions beneath your site is critical in providing the necessary information for Geotechnical & Geo-Environmental Assessments, Civil & Structural Design and Construction. We have considerable experience of working closely within project teams and liasing with Statutory Regulators (Local Authority, Environment Agency & NHBC, etc.) on a wide range of projects and are aware of what ‘in the ground information’ will be required to facilitate the smooth progression of design & construction of your projects. Our Intrusive Investigation services include:
- Investigation of ‘greenfield’ and ‘brownfield’ sites, including soil and if necessary groundwater and ground gas monitoring.
- Investigation of former underground mine workings for various minerals, (coal, ironstone, limestone, etc), and their associated mine entries, (shafts & adits, etc.)
- Limited or restricted access and height investigation techniques.
- Soakaway Testing.
- Cable Percussive and Rotary Boreholes.
- Trial pits and trenches.
- Window sampling and dynamic probing.
- In-situ testing including Electronic Dutch Cone, CBR & Plate Load Testing.
- Laboratory testing of soils and waters at UKAS & MCERTS accredited laboratiries, with comparison of the results to current guidance and legislation.